Wednesday, December 23, 2015

No File Name Label

Unavailable.  They have a File Path label (god knows why anyone would prefer this) but NO FILE NAME LABEL.  What a bunch of fucktards.  I don't want the whole world knowing our companies file path and server structure.  It's a potential secutiry risk.  Not to mention that a file path is just fucking stupid for most applications and can take up a good chunk of space on a page.  Once again, I don't think Autodesk really knows what Revit is for.  They obviously don't know thier customers very well.  Text options in general are just awful.  I'm so so so god dammed sick of ass holes coming up with excuses for why it's "the best thing out there".

If your car worked like Revit did, you would have to read the manual first and then add one small piece every time you went to the garage before you could final drive off with it a year later.  If that was the best anyone could do and cars had only been out for a few years I think we could live with that becuase of the obvious benifits and the fact that we assume the product will probably get better because more people will get to play with it's form and applications.

Well well well, with Revit, the car industry (and this is mediphor) was already invented.  And cars were almost built and ready to go.  You could almost get in one and drive off.  But Autodesk bought all of the other companies that were doing anything and put their development to bed.  They bought Rockefeller before he could synthesize oil and market gas efficiantly.  They bought Ford before he could finish making the first Model-T.  They stopped contruction on the roads before they actually went anywhere.  And then they layed it on everyone's lap and said here, "WE started the process now YOU go and finish it... but you can't do this, that or these other things.  I mean you could theoretically do this or that but we've decided we won't let you and we're not going to tell you why."

Does it save me time in drawing sections?  Sure.  But only after I've had to customize every stupid feature in the program.  If that doesn't tie your hands behind your back on a project enough, they decided not to allow any customization to Labels or Text in general.  These fuck heads think they're Apple or something and can simplify everything.  Well, great idea Autodesk except you forgot that the only way that EVER works is if you truly understand the user's intenent, offer a complete experience/tools in light of that and then only advertise to that extent.  And that's taken Apple's entire reputation and lifetime to figure out, even still meeting some negative press from time to time.

Revit is just FUBAR'ed becuase they half-assed everything, did not understand what people would be using it for, misguided their market by not specifying what it's really meant for (CD's I'm told.  And only CD's really).  There is no "out-of-the-box" with Revit and it defeats the purpose of it's own existance by it's overall lack of usefulness and long winded requirements to get it up and running.  And if you thought you could cutomize it to be the proper pinical of enlighted graphical bliss, they made sure there's no back door to do so.  Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Oh for fuck sake.

Voids do not show properly in plan.  Cut a void through a Wall Family and it looks like shit in plan.  Shows reverse fill and cut lines were there should be none.  Checked my visibility settings, view range, cut with void, reference planes.  Fuck all.  I hate you Revit team.  Choke on my dick.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Fucking stairs.


Combine multiple selected views/sheets into a single file

NEVER works the first time around.  I always have to go through the same exact process at least twice before it decides to cooperate.  I don't change any settings.  I just have to do the same plot process over again any time I want to combine PDFs.  So the option to makes things more efficient was never sufficiantely tested for efficiency?  Retarted.  No one over there stops to ask, "Hey anyone think we need to test this software before releasing it?" Oh wait, argg... I keep forgetting.  They expect the Users to test it all for them and submit feedback in forums or error replies.  But wait, that can't be true either becuase they never address any of the bugs or issues that we post so...  I guess...


Friday, November 6, 2015

Transfer Project Standards - Object Styles & Materials

Doesn't do either.  Tried Purging Materials and Object Styles (Purging... ugh... another fuckup that I'm sure will come up for me to blog about at another time).  That made no difference though, as would be expected.  Yeah yeah yeah I hear what your thinking.  Maybe if I had a more positave outlook and started to expect it to work then things might actually start working for me right?  Hah.  Yeah that's how it started.  Blind trust in the fact that maybe I just had more to learn.  That maybe I just needed a minimum level of knowlege and then the flood gates would open.  How niave I was.  How niave...  Anyway, cheers to it being friday and love and peace and good wishes to all except those on the Revit team.  I hope they all die.  And as always, please remember kiddies that...


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Seriously? They're lines!

Jesus Fuck.  Okay, so today I drew myself a boundary line.  Half the lines don't show up in print.  Clear as day on the screen.  Nothing on paper.  Repeat the process.  Parts now missing on screen and on papare.  Hover over the lines and the full outline appears (obviously it remembers the lines I drew).  Move mouse away and lines disapear.  Now I'm redrawing lines becuase I don't have the time to TOUBLE SHOOT YOUR FUCKING SHITTY SOFTWARE AUTODESK.  You fucking suck balls and I hope all of your execs die from horrible diseases that they have to suffer through for years.  Fucking lines.  THEY'RE FUCKING LINES.  So once again, please go and fuck yourself if you work for them. To anyone else, peace, love and joy and always remember that if you think you know what a line is you really don't because...


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Materials - Hello!

Revit's UI for Materials sucks balls.  It's still a complete bitch to work with.  Again, where the fuck are the shortcuts?  Why do we need to close property windows only to get to the material through another pallet?  It should all be linked.  THE SHIT SHOULD ALL BE LINKED.  It's the same problem across the board with any function in Revit. Get a clue from SketchUp for Christ sake.  Easiest Material Browser on the face of the earth and completely intuitive.  How the fuck does anyone makes things so complicated?  Oh wait that's easy, by not giving a shit about the end user.  These dickheads can't even make basic functions anything less than a pain in the ass to use.  What the hell are they even doing designing software?  Just hand it to someone else, Autodesk.  You have no business in software anymore.  You can't seem to focus on your real products. You only focus on gimmicks.  Simplify god dammit.  SIMPLIFY.  Your products will get better,  Your profits will go up.  And best of all, and you'll really like this one Autodesk because this is what you're best at, you'd have plausible deniability for anything you put our there!  You could get the fuck out of the way and have more time for whatever the hell you execs do all day, which has got to be a total cluster fuck so you know that needs some attention.  I can't imagine some of these fixes taking more than 1 or 2 guys to come up with solutions but instead for the next decade and more...

Revit Sucks Balls

Friday, October 30, 2015

Join the Community of Haters

If Revit REALLY pisses you off.  You may get even more satisfaction from the following blogger:

View Cube - Orient to Plane

Orient to Plane could be a great tool except that Revit sucks balls and when I went to use it today it flipped my model upside-down and sideways, after having just used it in another view copied from the same parent view.  No way to correct it. Then it wouldn't undo so I lost my view.  Had to restart the program to get anywhere.  Running a Xenon dual core, 12GB Ram, 1.5GB video card.  Revit sucks balls.  I want my day back.  I fucking hate architecture right now because of Revit.  Support sucks dick.  Workarounds suck dick.  90% of available tutorials suck dick and never get to the meat and potatos and instead skirt around issues and fall short.  Yes, I know where the fuck the tool is located or I probably wouldn't even know to ask about it.  Show us how to use the shit.  A 500 page book is a joke.  I've spent more time trying to train on and learn shitty ass Revit than I have on hand drafting.  I don't want to spend 4years full time learning this stupid software.  I guess I could go work at a bigger firm where maybe we could share more answers but big firms suck for the same reason that Revit does so I'm back to square 1.  Fuck you if Revit comes easy for you and as always...


Thursday, October 22, 2015


It's time that I finally put something out there because god dammit, I need to vent when it comes to using Autodesk products, specifically Revit.  The Autodesk Revit team seems to think that we the users (Architects, Engineers and others in the design field) ought to know programming language and software development at the level that they do (...or don't. I haven't figured it out yet).  They seem to think that we don't want to be in our actual professions and would rather trouble shoot their software all day.  I'm sorry but I hate Revit and the people on their team.  I'm not usually a hater.  Revit made me a hater over time, again and again and it gets worse every day.  They promise a battleship and instead give you only some of the parts, a few rivets and a welding torch with no direction at all and tell you, "Its the best thing out there.  Look at what we did with it!  Oh, but you're going to have to figure everything out on your own.  And we kinda didn't use the program at all to make the nifty graphic on the cover so that won't help you either.  Did you try looking on line?  We don't know how to explain our software very well.  In fact we don't actually write software any more.  We just buy companies, market them as our new product line and then let them fester for decades at the edge of possibly being useful."  So instead, the user ends up with some half-assed pile of a garbage barge because that's all the Revit dock would allow him build.  They also forgot a few things along the way like the fact the boats are supposed to float or that the materials taken from the ground need to be forged before anyone can use them as steel.  If I didn't get into bullshit "workaround" or zero solution scenario every fucking day with this $1500 program I might not be such a hater.  More to come but for now I'd just like to say that...


End the insanity

The goal of this blog is to encourage others to either stop using Revit (if their office permits) or to give Autodesk such a hard time about it that they will have to start addressing our issues in a big way.  I encourage everyone else out there to start their own blogs about how much REVIT SUCKS BALLS so that someday we can set up a booth next to them in a few of the conferences they market at, present our major issues to passerby's and give them hell in general.  Peace to all (except the Revit team) and remember...