Tuesday, October 25, 2016

CAD Links

Fucking useless.  Get an error every time.  Look I don't care what system I'm on, whether it's my personal laptop, my desktop at home or a Network at the office.  This stupid fucking tool has 1 job to do - keep the fucking links.  Constant failure.  Never works right.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Clearly Autodesk does not understand they're Architect user base

Side note - I finally met Lynn Allen (Cadalyst columnist and worldwide Autodesk Technical Evangelis) who was doing a presentation for Autodesk.  She and her colleages went over some of the verious programs that Autodesk offers, like simulation and fluid dinamics software, to a room full of mostly small architectural practices that would probably never have time to learn them effectively let alone have any need for what was shown.  But they were pleasent enough people and the presentations were nice.  

So when I asked how a room full of architects was supposed apply the countless programs offered by Autodesk to our field they said, 
"well it depends on the application." 

No shit.  Really?  So I followed up with,
"Okay then say I know the application/ what I need done.  Does Autodesk have some hierchy chart of programs they offer based on application so that I can quickly and effectively hire the right person to apply it?"

Lynn and the rest of them looked at me like a deer in headlights.
"Well no.  I can't think of anything but I'm sure you could search the forums."

"Yeah alright sure.  Except that's kind of a shot in the dark as most of the participants only know the one program they work with exclusively.  And if a forum member discusses any other program, the discussion is reassigned to the corresponding programs forum so that I won't be able to find it.  Not to mention that I have to wait on an answer that may or may not get me any closer to what I'm looking for."

Again just deer in headlights.

"Okay well that aside.  If I do figure out which of your special programs I need for an application, now I need to hire someone effective enough to use it.  Do you have listings of certified users for this?

"Why would you need to hire anyone?"

"Because you just admitted to me earlier toady that someone could spend a lifetime learning just one of your programs.  I'm already spending a lifetime learning Revit.  If I'm now spending even more time finding another application specific program then it stands to reason that by that time I will need to hire someone already profficient in said program.  I also have my Real job to do remember?"

"Well write us an email.  We'll try to find something."

"I already have.  On more than one occassion.  To which you replied, "I'm sorry but we don't have anything like that I'm aware of."

If the proffession of Architecture is becoming more and more like a that of your general practitioner (Doctor vs Architect), who sends you to a specialist (Cardiologist vs Engineer).  Just having the tools doesn't mean anything if nothing is organized and learning to use them properly is mere speculation.  So...


Renaming Legends

Yet another fuckup for Autodesk who obviosly doesn't give a shit about there customer base of architectural users.  Revit is unable to rename a Legend so if you spell anything wrong or heaven forbid your boss wants to change a field later you're fucked and have to do it all over from scratch... Which is a very big deal for a BIM program since that would totally defeat it's purpose as it obviously is unable to cordinate and update data properly.