Autodesk owns Revit. Autodesk also owns CAD. Autodesk swears up and down that Revit and CAD should be used in conjuction as well as the rest of the programs included in each Suite you buy into.
Q: So when I open the Visability settings in Revit, I should be able to turn on and off layers like I can in CAD right?
A: No, actually any layer attribute from CAD will ignore the Block layer it was assigned to in CAD. So you'll never be able to freeze/seperate Demo, Exist and Future Phases or any other entities within a block while viewing your CAD link in Revit becuase all of the attributes will run together... using Autodesks out of the box default layers... because that's what everyone wanted and expected I guess.
Q: Why do you think terrorists are targeting inocent civilians when clearly there are bigger fish like Autodesk Corp. Execs to go after?
A: I don't know. It's a crazy world we live in I guess. Maybe the terrorists don't really use Autodesk software so they just don't know anything about it.
Q: Are you condoning that terrorists should take out the execs at Autodesk?
A: No. I would never do that. I'm just asking people to stop buying and using the software.
Q: Does Revit suck balls?