Dumb - dumb dumb - dumb - dumb...
Can't just make a setting called something like "Export as shown on screen"? So Revit can specify only the complex senarios that it thinks are important, not what anyone would actually want, like exactly what they produced on screen, for example. What makes this really stupid is that someone had to create the options available. Unfortunately Autodesk forgot why people export things, and that they own all of the software you would export to, and that it should provide an oportunity for cross-platform compatability thoughout their product line. They just don't get it though. Ever.
Revit sucks balls and is a reflection of everything that is wrong with the world today.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
CAD sucks to
I just wanted to give a big shout out to the AutoCAD team for fucking up the defaults for CAD blocks so that now thier nested blocks all realign their base points so everything looked FUCKED. I FUCKING HATE YOU AUTODESK. I should have punched Lynn Allen in the face but I know it's not her fault. Execs are such dipshits. Companies need bilaws to protect themselves against bonus seeking executives that cut the quality of their products for only their own short term gain.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Dipshit Annotation Update
Autodesk decided that they would fuck with the Annotations in 2017 so that anything I open before then and "update" now changes some of my text boxes width to 0 which FUCKS with everything. I'm not even going to trouble shoot this. Oh and a great big FUCK YOU to eveyone else at Autodesk for wasting my time at every turn. I hope you all die.
Autodesk decided that they would fuck with the Annotations in 2017 so that anything I open before then and "update" now changes some of my text boxes width to 0 which FUCKS with everything. I'm not even going to trouble shoot this. Oh and a great big FUCK YOU to eveyone else at Autodesk for wasting my time at every turn. I hope you all die.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
CAD Links
Fucking useless. Get an error every time. Look I don't care what system I'm on, whether it's my personal laptop, my desktop at home or a Network at the office. This stupid fucking tool has 1 job to do - keep the fucking links. Constant failure. Never works right.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Clearly Autodesk does not understand they're Architect user base
Side note - I finally met Lynn Allen (Cadalyst columnist and worldwide Autodesk Technical Evangelis) who was doing a presentation for Autodesk. She and her colleages went over some of the verious programs that Autodesk offers, like simulation and fluid dinamics software, to a room full of mostly small architectural practices that would probably never have time to learn them effectively let alone have any need for what was shown. But they were pleasent enough people and the presentations were nice.
So when I asked how a room full of architects was supposed apply the countless programs offered by Autodesk to our field they said,
"well it depends on the application."
No shit. Really? So I followed up with,
"Okay then say I know the application/ what I need done. Does Autodesk have some hierchy chart of programs they offer based on application so that I can quickly and effectively hire the right person to apply it?"
Lynn and the rest of them looked at me like a deer in headlights.
"Well no. I can't think of anything but I'm sure you could search the forums."
"Yeah alright sure. Except that's kind of a shot in the dark as most of the participants only know the one program they work with exclusively. And if a forum member discusses any other program, the discussion is reassigned to the corresponding programs forum so that I won't be able to find it. Not to mention that I have to wait on an answer that may or may not get me any closer to what I'm looking for."
Again just deer in headlights.
"Okay well that aside. If I do figure out which of your special programs I need for an application, now I need to hire someone effective enough to use it. Do you have listings of certified users for this?
"Why would you need to hire anyone?"
"Because you just admitted to me earlier toady that someone could spend a lifetime learning just one of your programs. I'm already spending a lifetime learning Revit. If I'm now spending even more time finding another application specific program then it stands to reason that by that time I will need to hire someone already profficient in said program. I also have my Real job to do remember?"
"Well write us an email. We'll try to find something."
"I already have. On more than one occassion. To which you replied, "I'm sorry but we don't have anything like that I'm aware of."
If the proffession of Architecture is becoming more and more like a that of your general practitioner (Doctor vs Architect), who sends you to a specialist (Cardiologist vs Engineer). Just having the tools doesn't mean anything if nothing is organized and learning to use them properly is mere speculation. So...
Renaming Legends
Yet another fuckup for Autodesk who obviosly doesn't give a shit about there customer base of architectural users. Revit is unable to rename a Legend so if you spell anything wrong or heaven forbid your boss wants to change a field later you're fucked and have to do it all over from scratch... Which is a very big deal for a BIM program since that would totally defeat it's purpose as it obviously is unable to cordinate and update data properly.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Set line-wheights to 0? Turn line-wheights OFF? Well FUCK YOU for asking.
Heaven forbid anyone would ever want to go old school and make a PDF from a VECTOR based plot. 50% of why vector is even used is for line wheight control outside of the program. The other 50% is for what is basically an infinate zoom in or out to whatever you want. (In this case I wanted things to appear on an 8.5" x 11" PDF - even when I zoom way the hell in to look at something that would normally be to small to read on physical paper, like text. Yes there are lot's of reasons for this - not having to set up a new sheet at a different scale, or add a sheet to the file size, or just adding and organizing even more documentation in general, or becuse someone wants to use the vector image to do more with zoom-ins and crops later down the road, etc...)
So what does Revit's Vector based plot option do? Exactly the opposite of just that. What a bunch of fucktards. So you dumbshits at Autodesk can go through the trouble of programming the damn thing to plot an actual measured linewieght of 1 but you can't handle adding an option for NO linewheight or ZERO just like they had in CAD? For all of the obvious reasons it was done in CAD? For over 30 some odd years of rational, implimentation and use? You can do in on screen with the keyboard short-cut "TL" so obviously you must understand the concept which means you're just FUCKING LAZY.
Oh and why the fuck don't my columns print in red even though they're clear as the light that shines from your ass holes on screen, in sheet and in every view I have?
Go fuck yourselves Revit team. Once again,
So what does Revit's Vector based plot option do? Exactly the opposite of just that. What a bunch of fucktards. So you dumbshits at Autodesk can go through the trouble of programming the damn thing to plot an actual measured linewieght of 1 but you can't handle adding an option for NO linewheight or ZERO just like they had in CAD? For all of the obvious reasons it was done in CAD? For over 30 some odd years of rational, implimentation and use? You can do in on screen with the keyboard short-cut "TL" so obviously you must understand the concept which means you're just FUCKING LAZY.
Oh and why the fuck don't my columns print in red even though they're clear as the light that shines from your ass holes on screen, in sheet and in every view I have?
Go fuck yourselves Revit team. Once again,
Friday, July 22, 2016
Shared Parameters - OMG
There are no words at how hugely annoying they made this feature. How the fuck do they leave out things like hard returns? Fuck it. I don't even want to write about it. Searching for answers is like pulling teeth with these dick heads. I'm closing the program and going home.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
A Most Excellent Assessment of Autodesk
Please view the link below for what I found to be an excellent description of just how these shit-heads at Autodesk operate:
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Text Alignment
Oh boy oh boy. What a great tool for NOT accomplishing what I set out to do. Added a text box to the bottom left of page. Set it to Left Attachment - Bottom, Horizantal Align - Left.
Does not work whatsoever. Tried fidling within the editing commands but nothing. Oh, here's another forum where everyone goes in circles about nothing becuase no one at Autodesk gives a fuck.
Revit team. Do you even exist? Fuck Revit. And remember kiddies...
Does not work whatsoever. Tried fidling within the editing commands but nothing. Oh, here's another forum where everyone goes in circles about nothing becuase no one at Autodesk gives a fuck.
Revit team. Do you even exist? Fuck Revit. And remember kiddies...
Friday, March 25, 2016
Shared Parameters
Shared Parameters...
Shit should be automatically exchanged with an option of yes or no. Once again we all pick up the slack for these ass holes. I'M NOT A PROGRAMMER!!!
Shit should be automatically exchanged with an option of yes or no. Once again we all pick up the slack for these ass holes. I'M NOT A PROGRAMMER!!!
Friday, March 18, 2016
Revit - Consistently Over-promises and Under-delivers. Buy Buy Buy!!!
The Autodesk Revit team seems to think that we, the users (Architects, Engineers and others in the industry), ought to know programming language and software development at the level that they do (...or don't. I haven't figured it out yet). They seem to think that we don't want to be in our actual professions and would rather trouble shoot their software all day. Uh oh, here comes another one of my analogies:
Revit promises the tools to build and navigate an aircraft carrier and instead gives you maybe half of the parts, a few generic rivets that aren't quite ready for use and a welding torch with no fuel and then tells you;
"It’s the best thing out there. Look at what we did with it! You should be able to whip something out in no time. Oh, and now that you've literally payed us for this great privilege of using our parts and tools we'd like to sort of hint on a few things ...like ...well ...you're going to have to figure everything out on your own ...using this endless stack of manuals that don't really teach a process as much as list the tools you're already aware of. And we kinda didn't use any of the parts or tools we provided to you at all to create that nifty finished graphic shown on all of the manual covers so don't expect those kinds of results. Did you try looking for help on line? We don't know how to explain our tools very well. In fact we don't actually make or develop the tools any more. We just sort of buy other people’s tools, brand them as our own and then sell them as a new product line ...while simultaneously letting them sit and fester for decades at the very edge of possibly being useful. By the way, would you like to renew you're lease on Water with us? If you don't we'll double the price next time you consider it. Sorry. This might come as a shock to you since you’ve never had to subscribe to Water in the past but it's just business. It’s a simple matter of supply and demand you know. I mean it's not like we have Oceans of water on this planet."
So instead, the user ends up with some half-assed pile of garbage on a rusty barge because that's all the Revit dock would allow him a permit/code to build. They also forgot a few things along the way like the fact the boats are usually supposed to float or that the raw materials taken from the ground need to be forged and processed before anyone can use them as steel.
I get into a "workaround" or no solution scenario every single time I use Revit. This is about a $1,500 program. If you are considering a career with it, become a software developer first. That is the only way you will get the time to design and work rather than troubleshoot the software all day, every day.
Is selling Revit the same as selling bottled water?
Yes. But you can do more with water.
Revit promises the tools to build and navigate an aircraft carrier and instead gives you maybe half of the parts, a few generic rivets that aren't quite ready for use and a welding torch with no fuel and then tells you;
"It’s the best thing out there. Look at what we did with it! You should be able to whip something out in no time. Oh, and now that you've literally payed us for this great privilege of using our parts and tools we'd like to sort of hint on a few things ...like ...well ...you're going to have to figure everything out on your own ...using this endless stack of manuals that don't really teach a process as much as list the tools you're already aware of. And we kinda didn't use any of the parts or tools we provided to you at all to create that nifty finished graphic shown on all of the manual covers so don't expect those kinds of results. Did you try looking for help on line? We don't know how to explain our tools very well. In fact we don't actually make or develop the tools any more. We just sort of buy other people’s tools, brand them as our own and then sell them as a new product line ...while simultaneously letting them sit and fester for decades at the very edge of possibly being useful. By the way, would you like to renew you're lease on Water with us? If you don't we'll double the price next time you consider it. Sorry. This might come as a shock to you since you’ve never had to subscribe to Water in the past but it's just business. It’s a simple matter of supply and demand you know. I mean it's not like we have Oceans of water on this planet."
So instead, the user ends up with some half-assed pile of garbage on a rusty barge because that's all the Revit dock would allow him a permit/code to build. They also forgot a few things along the way like the fact the boats are usually supposed to float or that the raw materials taken from the ground need to be forged and processed before anyone can use them as steel.
I get into a "workaround" or no solution scenario every single time I use Revit. This is about a $1,500 program. If you are considering a career with it, become a software developer first. That is the only way you will get the time to design and work rather than troubleshoot the software all day, every day.
Is selling Revit the same as selling bottled water?
Yes. But you can do more with water.
Thinking about a Revit purchase? Read this first...
If you're trying to decide whether or not to hop onto the Revit band wagon, I thought this conversation summed up the experience rather well:
Revit CAN'T import a PDF!!! LOL
LOL OMG. Seriously? I've been using Revit since like - at least 2009 and it still cannot import PDF's? Really? This has to be a joke. Am I missing something or are they actually this lazy that they can't get something like a PDF importer up and running?
It can't even import a PDF! LOL
It can't even import a PDF! LOL
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Move > Disjoin = Copy?
"Disjoin" appearently holds the same definition as "Copy" for Autodesk. So if I "disjoin" your head from your body, it is now defined as a "copy" of your head. I suppose that makes sense since the Oxford defenition of disjoin is to "Separate; take or come apart". So I guess as a far stretch one could say they are unjoining two things, families, etc. so the one they're holding is a copy
...except that it's under the check-box options for the "Move" tool, sitting next to the "Constain" check-box. In context to these commands, "disjoin" would imply the opposite of "constrain" especially concidering that there is a check-box right next to it for "multiple" which might imply COPIES! (shaking head) The rabbit hole goes much deeper but that's enough for now. I just really feel from the bottom of my heart that
...except that it's under the check-box options for the "Move" tool, sitting next to the "Constain" check-box. In context to these commands, "disjoin" would imply the opposite of "constrain" especially concidering that there is a check-box right next to it for "multiple" which might imply COPIES! (shaking head) The rabbit hole goes much deeper but that's enough for now. I just really feel from the bottom of my heart that
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Materials Browser is complete BS
WTF were they thinking exactly? Pick a cheap 3D Home Modeling kit off the shelf and you'll find a better materials browser. SketchUp's seems to be pretty easy and it's fucking free! WhyTF is it that I can never find my materials properly. WhyTF haven't they categorized thier own materials for you? WhyTF are there absolutly NO out of the box solutions for anything in this P.O.S. program? Why am I wasting time yet again to fuck off with this shit. FUCK REVIT.
After writing this Revit of course crashed imidiately after closing my materials browser. Fuck. You. Revit.
After writing this Revit of course crashed imidiately after closing my materials browser. Fuck. You. Revit.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Imported Categories - Visibility
Autodesk owns Revit. Autodesk also owns CAD. Autodesk swears up and down that Revit and CAD should be used in conjuction as well as the rest of the programs included in each Suite you buy into.
Q: So when I open the Visability settings in Revit, I should be able to turn on and off layers like I can in CAD right?
A: No, actually any layer attribute from CAD will ignore the Block layer it was assigned to in CAD. So you'll never be able to freeze/seperate Demo, Exist and Future Phases or any other entities within a block while viewing your CAD link in Revit becuase all of the attributes will run together... using Autodesks out of the box default layers... because that's what everyone wanted and expected I guess.
Q: Why do you think terrorists are targeting inocent civilians when clearly there are bigger fish like Autodesk Corp. Execs to go after?
A: I don't know. It's a crazy world we live in I guess. Maybe the terrorists don't really use Autodesk software so they just don't know anything about it.
Q: Are you condoning that terrorists should take out the execs at Autodesk?
A: No. I would never do that. I'm just asking people to stop buying and using the software.
Q: Does Revit suck balls?
Q: So when I open the Visability settings in Revit, I should be able to turn on and off layers like I can in CAD right?
A: No, actually any layer attribute from CAD will ignore the Block layer it was assigned to in CAD. So you'll never be able to freeze/seperate Demo, Exist and Future Phases or any other entities within a block while viewing your CAD link in Revit becuase all of the attributes will run together... using Autodesks out of the box default layers... because that's what everyone wanted and expected I guess.
Q: Why do you think terrorists are targeting inocent civilians when clearly there are bigger fish like Autodesk Corp. Execs to go after?
A: I don't know. It's a crazy world we live in I guess. Maybe the terrorists don't really use Autodesk software so they just don't know anything about it.
Q: Are you condoning that terrorists should take out the execs at Autodesk?
A: No. I would never do that. I'm just asking people to stop buying and using the software.
Q: Does Revit suck balls?
Monday, January 4, 2016
My New Years Resolution
Revit sucks balls! START SPREADING THE WORD. It will never change. They will never make improvements. They will always over-promise. They consistantly under-deliver. You will always have to seek and PAY for assistance that will only ever be a workaround. This is just a money scheme for Autodesk. They have no passion or plan for their products, well except for unsecurely exploiting the web. They don't care if their products stink. They just care about stealing your money... and it's alot of money.
Snap w/out Ortho - Oh god dammit...
Jesus fuck. Ortho. ON/OFF. Heaven forbid you ever want to trace an image that isn't ortho. Can't find a solution to snap to an end point with ortho OFF. Of corse they're called contraints in here just to fuck with everyone. 2 pages of forum for this subject at Autodesk, with yet again no real solution. Really? Go fuck yourselves Autodesk.
Revit Sucks Balls!
Revit Sucks Balls!
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