Monday, December 5, 2016

Can't export to CAD as shown on Screen

Dumb - dumb dumb - dumb - dumb...

Can't just make a setting called something like "Export as shown on screen"? So Revit can specify only the complex senarios that it thinks are important, not what anyone would actually want, like exactly what they produced on screen, for example.  What makes this really stupid is that someone had to create the options available.  Unfortunately Autodesk forgot why people export things, and that they own all of the software you would export to, and that it should provide an oportunity for cross-platform compatability thoughout their product line.  They just don't get it though.  Ever.



  1. How have I never run across this work of art? I see there hasn't been a post since 2016 - I hope you are still fucking up Autodesk somewhere else. Kudos!

  2. you do realize you can export CAD exactly as shown in a view, with all of the element, category, level overrides, as well as object styles for entire project...

  3. Yah maybe you can export a square using notepad style fonts if you're lucky. That'll take you an hour though because there are no default settings for this. I call bullshit without spending a lot of time trying to figure it out. Revit is NOT about architecture or design. It's about production of something completely thought out already. It puts the little guy out of business and is killing creative design. It's like asking someone to show up on the first day of brainstorming with all the cement trucks and trades and permits ready to go when you haven't even had a chance to vet a few test fits yet, except there's no cement and the trucks are just hollow made out of cardboard and the tradesman have to focus on how to make their new tools work because there seem to be a bunch of missing pieces and so there's no time left of intent of design. I've never seen a demonstration of efficiency in an actual billable environment using Revit, ever. It's always cost the client more in the long run. It's for programmers and script writers, not architects. There's no time for architecture when using Revit.
